Art I Don't Get, Fail to Appreciate, Don't Want to Hear or See

Given the length and number of my lists, one might easily conclude that I have low (or no) standards and like a whole bunch of crap indiscriminately. Hating is not my business, so this page should only give an idea for others and personal reference what I've generally disliked so that people can annoy me intentionally, or much rather avoid making me uncomfortable, and so I don't repeatedly buy the same things again and again because I forgot I didn't like it (this has happened with a few bands...if I listen only once or twice and don't like something, I'm likely to forget having heard something years later). The vast majority of pop (i.e. Top40/Billboard) music could go on here and so isn't worth typing. I'll try to refrain from including things I just think are overrated and unduly famous for things IMHO done better by others.

Movies (Link to section of Favorite Films I don't like)

Music (Some notable sacred cows in here. Country music as a whole remains largely unappreciated by me, though I'm quite glad I can no longer say the same about hip-hop LINK TO SECTION!)

Jackson Browne, Nick Drake, Bob Dylan, Factory Floor, The Grateful Dead, Janis Joplin, Juno, Madonna, Male Bonding, Ritual Howls, Todd Rundgren, Bruce Springsteen, Steely Dan, The Twilight Sad, Lucinda Williams,

Trolls not to Feed (Plenty of folks out there who just seem out to get a rise out of folks like me. I read them and do indeed get angry.)

Ann Coulter (mostly), James "Environmentalism Is Evil" Delingpole, that Milo guy

Other Media